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Music: Collected Editions

A guide to identifying and locating music works published in collections owned at the SJSU Library

Janacek - Janequin

Janacek, Leos, 1854-1926.

Leoš Janáček: Souborné kritické vydání, ed. J. Vysloužil and others (Prague, 1978) [SKV]. IPM J3325.

Thematic catalog:

N. Simeone, J. Tyrrell and A. Němcová: Janáček’s Works: a Catalogue of the Music and Writings of Leoš Janáček (Oxford, 1997) [JW]. Not in library. Check Link+

 Janequin, Clement, ca. 1495-ca. 1560.

Clément Janequin: Chansons polyphoniques, ed. A.T. Merritt and F. Lesure (Monaco, 1965–71, 2/1983) [M]. IPM J3365.


Josquin, des Prez, d. 1521.

Werken van Josquin des Près, ed. A. Smijers and others (Amsterdam, 1921–69): Missen [Mis. deel: aflevering, no.] (separate mass sections are numbered as Fragmenta missarum [Fm no.]); Motetten [Mot. deel: aflevering, no.]; Wereldlijke werken [WW deel: aflevering, no.]; Supplement [Suppl.: 55, no.]. IPM J8345.

Josquin des Prez: Opera omnia, editio altera, ed. A. Smijers (Amsterdam, 1957) [OO] (2nd edn of Mis.i: 10–11, nos.1–2 only). Not in library. IPM J8355.

New Josquin Edition (Amsterdam, 1989–) [NJE – volume.number within volume] (Works deemed spurious by the editors of the NJE are numbered and dealt with in the commentary, though they are not edited; their NJE nos. are given in square brackets. The nos. of works in vols. not yet published are subject to change and are thus given in parentheses.) Not in library. IPM J8325. Check Link+


Khachaturian, Aram Ilich, 1903-1978.

Sobraniye sochineniy v dvadtsati chetïryokh tomakh [Collected works in 24 volumes] (Moscow, 1982–91). Volumes cataloged individually and shelved as: M3.K52 1982. IPM K4545.