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ChAD 106: Concepts of Childhood

Resources are identified to cover topics regarding child health; child labor; education; and children in armed conflict.

Children and Education

International Statistical Agencies links to specific countries.  Here the researcher will find statistics concerning children and health, labor, demographic information, etc. 

International Activities Program of the National Center for Education Statistics offers statistics on educational issues in a global perspective. Use the publications tab to find more information on other countries and also comparisons between other countries and the United States.

UNESCO Institute for Statistics has many publications and statistics on education in individual countries and a worldview of education statistics

UNICEF has a wealth of material documenting the global educational status of children.

Latinobarómetro has data analysis capability.  A researcher can select a year, a Latin American country (or countries) and get statistics on the sociodemographic status in the country. The sociodemographic topic is where the researcher will find data on education.

Afrobarometer has data analysis capability. A researcher can select a year, and African country (or countries) and get statistics on the sociodemographic status in the country. The sociodemographic topic is where the researcher will find data on education.

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