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The United Nations' Office of the Special Representative to the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict has a wealth of material on Children who are displaced by war; Child Soldiers; Abductions, Landmines, and international laws and treaties regarding children in armed conflicts.
Child Soldiers International was founded in 1988 by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Save the Children. Their vision is: "We envision a world where all children can grow up realising their full potential and enjoying all their human rights. For this to be possible, we believe that armed forces and groups must be prevented from recruiting, using and exploiting children." The site links to many reports on different countries.
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Child Soldiers
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Children and war
Multidisciplinary full text, peer reviewed academic journals that support scholarly research in key areas of academic study.
This database supports upper-division and graduate research on World History, Military History, Women's History, History of Education and many other related topics. It also provides indexing of historical articles from more than 3,100 journals in over 40 languages dating back to 1955. Also provides access to the full text of more than 380 journals and 140 books.