- Center for Eating Disorders
From the Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt in Maryland, this site offers answers to frequently asked questions about eating disorders and includes a monthly feature on the subject.
- ClinicalTrials.gov
From the National Library of Medicine, this site allows consumers to search for information on the latest clinical trials through keyword searching or by browsing by condition.
- Consumer Information Catalog - Health
The online equivalent to the print catalog of government publications from Pueblo, CO. Free publications can be viewed online, and the others can be ordered for a fee.
- Healthfinder
A searchable database of government health information that is very clearly organized and filled with lots of useful information. The "details" link following each resource provides information about the government agency that produced the information.
- Information from Your Family Doctor
Operated by the American Academy of Family Physicians, this site contains clear, short, documents organized which are searchable or browseable.
- Mayo Clinic Health Information
Medical information from the Mayo Clinic.
- MedlinePlus
From the National Library of Medicine, this excellent site can be searched by keyword or browsed by topic for articles on all types of health information. All information is geared to patients and the general public.
- Medscape
Provides free access to MEDLINE and many full-text journal articles. Free registration is required.
- National Women's Health Information Center
From the Office on Women's Health of the US Department of Health and Human Services, this site contains articles and FAQs on all aspects of women's health.
- Nursing Homes Compare
From Medicare, this site allows the comparion of regulatory compliance, staff, and facilities of all nursing homes that accept Medicare funding. Search by geographic area or by keyword.
- RxMed Illness Information
These handouts are available for over 200 conditions, and include information about signs and symptoms, risk factors, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, medication and more.
- Spine-Health.com
This site provides basic information on back pain, includes overviews of available treatments, and allows visitors to submit questions to professional caregivers.
- Women's Health Resources
A consumer-oriented site, sponsored by the Health on the Net Foundation.