If you see an error message like the following, try the suggestions listed below:
If you see this message in your browser: "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost", please do following:
1. Submit a ticket and a screenshot or the error message text to SJSU central IT support using an iSupport ticket.
2. Report this to "Ask a Librarian."
After submitting your ticket, you may try restarting your device. This may clear the problem.
The following electronic resources are not available due to licensing agreements. Affiliated instructors experiencing issues with resources access or their login credentials should contact library-accounts@sjsu.edu. Please see the Affiliated Instructor FAQs [PDF] for more information.
If a message like the following displays after clicking on an e-resource link, copy and paste the error message into an email and send to the Electronic Resources Coordinator for further assistance. The error message will look something like this:
To allow https://www.xyz.edu to be used in a starting point URL, your EZproxy administrator must first authorize the hostname of this URL in the config.txt file.
Within this database's section of config.txt, either the following line must be added:
Host www.xyz.edu
or, alternatively, a RedirectSafe for this host or domain may be appropriate.
After editing config.txt, the EZproxy server must be restarted to make changes take effect.
If you receive this error message, please follow the instructions below to contact Christina Mune who will reach out to you for further follow up.
Clear the cache and cookies for all time if you get an error message about SJSUOne and back button. See how to clear cache and cookies in this guide. Contact the library or campus I.T. if clearing cache and cookies doesn't fix the problem.
Is this happening on all browsers on your device? Does it happen when using a mobile device or another device? Does it happen with all browsers? Most likely, if you see this message, it's because you are using VPN. You will probably need to uninstall it or disable it in order to access the library's electronic resources.