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Primary Sources on Nationalism



The Library of Congress American Memory .This site contains links to hundreds of scanned documents held by The Library of Congress.  In order to locate documents on your topic, begin by clicking "Search" and typing your subject, such as "nationalism" in the provided space.  Once you know more about your specific area of interest you can narrow your search by using more specific terms.

UC Berkeley's Institute of of International Studies has created Conversations with History .  There are transcripts of interviews with various people including diplomats, statesmen, foreign correspondents and political analysts, on several subjects.

Mt. Holyoke College's Foreign Policy Documents and Commentary contains primary sources regarding the United States involvement with other nations.  U.S. foreign policy and action tells a lot about national feeling at home.  There are also other great full text documents here, which reveal nationalistic spirit throughout history.  For example, Machavelli's The Prince.

The Nationalism Project is a scholarly site for the study of nationalism in all forms. Created and maintained by Eric Zuelow.

The Making of America . Hosted by the University of Michigan, you can find primary resources in full text, which trace the development of the United States.

At The History you can listen to speeches given by historical figures.

Historic Documents of the United States of North America, or AMDOCS: Documents for the Study of American History   contains items such as drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the inaugural addresses of U.S Presidents.

The Digital National Security Archive  contains declassified documents which reveal policy decisions made from as early as the 1940's.  While you can view a description of the collection materials, and a short essay describing the material, you must pay in order to perform a search.  This might be a good resource to get an idea of available documents, which you can locate through other venues.


Internet Modern History Sourcebook contains some primary sources as well as a brief description of nationalism and links to further sources. Select the modern sourcebook. Check under 19th Century and Western Hegemony - Nationalism on the page.

The Hanover Historical Texts Project is a rich resource of primary source documents.  While it contains documents from American History, it perhaps is a better resource for European materials.

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), supports the Western European Studies Section (WESS WEB) , which contains links to pages that contain primary sources.  It is categorized by nation rather than time period.  This site can also lead you to EuroDocs hosted by Brigham Young University.

Yale Law School's Avalon Projec: Documents on Law, History, and Diplomacy  contains primary sources, including translations into English of foreign language documents.  The documents range from the 18th to 21st centuries, and are divided by such.

Paper of Record is an archive of news papers from all over the world (in several languages).  Many of the listings reach as far back as the mid 19th Century.  This is a subscription service and can be paid by the week.

Created 2-11-03 by Ellen Flaxman
Updated 8-12-05 by Jo Bell Whitlatch
Updated 3-29-11 by Ann Agee