Locating and Obtaining Books at King Library and Beyond
Some e-book editions for textbooks used in current classes are available FREE to students through the Library. These may be checked out just as print versions are, and used in lieu of purchasing print copies. The following are available this semester:
HIST | 132 | Roth | Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It? |
HIST | 139 | Wilson | Teaching History with Museums: Strategies for K-12 Social Studies |
HIST | 170 | Propas | U.S. Diplomacy Since 1900 |
HIST | 170 | Vasquez | U.S. Diplomacy Since 1900 |
HIST | 174 | Chopra | The Jamestown Project |
HIST | 189B | Gendzel | California: America's High-Stakes Experiment |
HIST | 210B | Hill | Angels in the Machinery: Gender in American Party Politics from the Civil War to the Progressive Era |
HIST | 241 | Pickering | Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary Under Stalin |
Reference tool for U.S. and Canadian history and culture. With full-text coverage of hundreds of journals and books, and selective indexing for journals from 1863 to present.
This database supports upper-division and graduate research on World History, Military History, Women's History, History of Education and many other related topics. It also provides indexing of historical articles from more than 3,100 journals in over 40 languages dating back to 1955. Also provides access to the full text of more than 380 journals and 140 books.
The journals archive consists of older (at least 2-5 years) issues of core scholarly journals across a wide range of subjects including the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The eBook collections are DRM-free and allow for unlimited concurrent use and unlimited chapter downloads and printing.