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Government Information

Use U.S., state, local or international resources to find information, research info or statistics.

New Statistics Tool

StatsAmerica is an easy tool to find statistics concerning economic development, innovation, labor force, unemployment, etc.


Census Bureau
The Census Bureau serves as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. A nationwide population census on a regular basis dates from the establishment of Article I, Section 2, of the United States Constitution.


Census Reporter is a Knight News Challenge-funded project to make it easy for journalists to write stories using US Census data.  Expanding upon the volunteer-built, Census Reporter simplifies finding and using data from the decennial census and the American Community Survey.

California Statistics

California Data Easy to use site that has data from state agencies. Recommended as a starting site for researching data on California

California Crime Statistics - gives historical as well as current statistics on crime in general and by types of crimes.

California Economy & Labor Statistics - The US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the California Department of Industrial Relations give information on consumer price index, employment figures, wages, etc.

California Education - the state database DataQuest is an interactive resource that gives reports for accountability (e.g. API, AYP), test data, enrollment, graduates, dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, and data regarding English learners.


International Statistics

ILOSTAT  - download labor statistics from over 200 countries.  Data provided by the International Labour Office (ILO)

United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs - United Nations database provides world demographic information.

The World Bank offers free access to statistics involving, by country, education, business & economics, health, agriculture, etc. These and other statistics offered by the World Bank show the development in specific countries.

UNICEF gives country statistics on children's issues, such as health, education, and risk factors related to children.