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King Library LEED certification

This research guide describes the green features of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, as defined by the LEED certification for the Operations & Maintenance for existing buildings, and focuses on the interconnections of buildings, community and self.

LEED: Indoor Environmental Quality

LEED Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) overview

LEED Credit Library

Remember the 3 E's of Sustainability: (Social) Equity, Environment, Economics!

Indoor Air Pollution Video

Evaluating the IEQ

Evaluating the Indoor Environmental Quality of a building is important.  Use your senses to begin to evaluate the Indoor Environmental Quality of the building you are in now.

Air quality:  How would you describe the air?  Is there evidence of outside smells inside the building?  Can you see evidence of an air treatment system in the building such as a filtration, heating or cooling systems?

Lighting:  What lighting is used in the space?  Is there any natural light used in the space?  How are effective are the lights in the space?

Space usage:  How effective is the spacing of the furniture in the spaces?  Is there adequate space between users to provide quality lighting, air ventilation, heating and/or cooling?  Is the space cramped or is there room for users to move around?  

Stairways and hallways:  Is there adequate room for people to pass through the area?  

Furniture:  Is there any evidence of VOC's (volatile organic compounds) off-gassing in the air?  Are there any smells of materials or paint?