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BUS5 140: Fundamentals of Operations Management

Resources to help your research

APA for Business Reports

All resources require APA citation formatting, but business reports have very specific and slightly different rules.


10K Annual Report Retrieved from EDGAR database
Rule: Company. (Year, Month Date). Name of Form. Retrieved from URL

Nike Corporation (2022, December 1). Form 10‐K. Retrieved from



Annual Report to Shareholders Retrieved from Company Website
Company Name. (year). Title. Retrieved from URL

Nike Corporation. (2022). Nike Corporation: 2022 annual report. Retrieved from 



Company Report Accessed from Hoover's Business Market Research Collection or other database. 

Company name. (Year). Name of report. Retrieved from [database name].


Nike, Inc. (2023). Nike, Inc. Profile.  Retrieved from Hoover's Company Profiles database. 



Company Website

In the body of the paper, provide the name of the site and URL.

No need to add to References.



Data Set, Entry, or List Generated from a Proprietary Database

Name of Database. (Year database updated). [Data set name or description.] Retrieved Month, Date, Year. 


Reference Solutions (2023). [Listing of 92127 Search Results]. Retrieved October 10, 2023. 


Hoover's Company Report Retrieved from a Database

Hoover’s. (year, month date). Title. Retrieved from database.

Hoover’s. (2023, January 30). Nike, Inc. Retrieved from ProQuest. 


MarketLine Company Profile Retrieved from Business Source Complete
MarketLine. (Year, Month Date). Title. Retrieved from Database. 

MarketLine. (2022, November 23). Nike, Inc. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.



MarketLine Company SWOT Analysis Retrieved from Business Source Complete

Publisher (Year). Name of Report, pages x-y. 


MarketLine (2022). NIKE, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 1-8. 



IBISWorld Industry and Market Reports
Last Name, F. (Year, Month). Report title. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.

Govdysh, A. (2023, January). Athletic & Sporting Goods Manufacturing in the US. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.



News Article from a Library Database
Last Name, F. (Year, Month Date). Title of article. Title of newspaper. 


Ojea, S. (2022, Dec 16). Adobe's revenue rose 10% in latest quarter. Wall Street Journal. 



News Article from a Newspaper Website

Last Name, F.  (Year of Publication, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle if any. Name of Newspaper. URL

Ojea, S. (2022, Dec 16). Adobe's revenue rose 10% in latest quarter. Wall Street Journal.



Search Results from a Proprietary Directory Database

Name of Database Publisher. (Year, Month Date of search). [Description of search]. Name of Database. 

Reference Solutions (2023, March 19). [Summary of 92127 Search Results]. Reference Solutions. Retrieved March 19, 2023.



World Bank or NGO Data

Organizational author. Name of Database or Section. (Year of publication). Title of specific page or report [Description]. URL. 


World Bank, World Development Indicators. (2017). Individuals using the internet (% of population) [Data file].



YouTube Video

Name of Account. (Year, Month Day posted). Name of video [Video]. YouTube. URL

SJSU (n.d.). Censorship conversation with librarians [Video]. YouTube.



YouTube Channel

Name of channel. Section. [YouTube channel]. YouTube. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL

SJSU (n.d.). Playlists [YouTube channel]. YouTube. Retrieved October 9, 2023 from