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Here you will find packaging resources that will help you in your research.

How I can get a full text article?

PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science contain hundreds of thousands of journal articles.  However, not all of these articles are available directly through thses databases in full text format (PDF, HTML). 

For example, the database PubMed only provides citations and abstracts to individual journal articles (not the entire article itself).  To see if the full text of an article is available through King Library, you need to click on the SJSU Find It link.

If SJSU  Library does not subscribe to an article you want, you can request a copy of the article (for free!) through Interlibrary Services. To request an article, you first need to set-up your own personal ILLiad account.   When  Interlibrary Services receives a copy of the article for you, it will be delivered electronically to your ILLiad account.