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Journal Title

Need to find a specific journal?  Want to browse a core journal?

Complete a periodical title search using the search box below. Put in your title and hit search. Remember to select "Journal Title" from the drop down box. 


You can also search and browse for specific journals directly from the Electronic Journals Index. Searching for Packaging Technology & Science, for example, would retrieve the following result:    

1 record retrieved for the search: Title begins with "packaging technology & science" 

Packaging technology & science (0894-3214) Title details from™ 

from 1988 to present in Wiley Interscience

Just click on the database Wiley Interscience to view the contents of the journal Packaging Technology & Science. You may also want to search for these journals in the Electronic Journals Index:

  • Brand Packaging 
  • Containers & Packaging Industry Profile (profiles available from various countries)
  • Flexible Packaging
  • Packaging
  • Packaging Digest
  • Paper Packaging Industry Profile (profiles available from various countries)

Scientific Journal Abbreviations

Scientific publications often include citations that have the names of journals abbreviated. For example:

Kenyon L, Harrison NA, Ashburner GR, Boa ER, Richardson PA.1998. Detection of a pigeon pea witches’-broom-related phytoplasma in trees of Gliricidia sepium affected by little-leaf disease in Central America. Plant Pathol. 47:671–80.

In this example, Plant Pathol. stands for the journal Plant Pathology. If you are having problems identifying the name of the journal that you are looking for, consult the following guide to Scientific Journal Abbreviations (created by Kevin Lindstrom, Univ. of British Columbia):