The U.S. Department of Education was created in 1980 by combining offices from several federal agencies. ED's 4,400 employees and $68 billion budget are dedicated to:
California Department of Education's mission is to provide a world-class education for all students, from early childhood to adulthood. The Department of Education serves our state by innovating and collaborating with educators, schools, parents, and community partners. Together, as a team, the Department prepares students to live, work, and thrive in a highly connected world.
The California State Board of Education (SBE) is the K-12 policy-determining body for California.The SBE sets K-12 education policy in the areas of standards, curriculum, instructional materials, assessment, and accountability. The SBE adopts instructional materials for use in grades kindergarten through eight. The SBE also adopts regulations (Title 5) to implement a wide variety of programs created by the Legislature, such as charter schools, and special education. In addition, the SBE has the authority to grant local education agency requests for waivers of certain provisions of the state Education Code(SBE).
State Departments of Education is an interactive link to departments of education in other states.
Santa Clara County Office of Education has links to several important educational associations that give important perspectives to issues in education.
The California Department of Education has a link to all California counties' Offices of Education.