Linkedin Learning in an online learning platform with videos and full courses in areas of business, creative tools & skills, and technology. Includes courses in software applications such as Excel, PowerPoint, and Adobe. Also includes courses in big data applications like Spark, Tensorflow, Hadoop, and AWS as well as programing languages and open-source operating systems like LaTeX and Linux. You can access LinkedIn Learning through the SJSUOne portal.
The Digital Library Core (DLC) of periodicals covers every aspect of computing. Peer reviewed (refereed) publications concentrate on theoretical and experimental papers. Magazines focus on practical applications in research, design and specification.
Offers access to engineering research literature and patent databases including Compendex and Inspec. Also includes GeoRef and GEOBASE databases.
Full-text articles and ebooks in science, technology and medicine (STM), arts, humanities and social sciences. Click on "Journals and Books" link on the website to filter by subscribed, open access and complimentary access to know what is available to you. Note: You may see a screen from Elsevier asking: “Are you a Human”. It's okay to click on the box. It's a verification process to prevent automated traffic (BOTS) from abusing excessive downloads of PDFs.
Full-text articles covering the Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences. Library subscription also includes access to many ebooks and conference proceedings.
This database contains monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, detailed author profiles and more. Indexing and abstracts for scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included.
Provides access to over 1 million statistics for these topics: industries; consumer goods; internet; media & advertising; retail & trade; sports & recreation; technology & telecommunications; transportation & logistics; and travel, tourism & hospitality. Also available are government statistics, such as unemployment rates, births, and deaths. For business research, outlook reports, market research reports, country reports, dossiers, surveys, and industry reports are available.