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NUFS 115 - Issues in Food Toxicology

This guide focuses on finding peer reviewed articles, primary versus secondary sources, citation formats, and database suggestions.

Evaluating Sources

Citation Guides


Citation Managers

To learn more about the citation managers supported at SJSU visit the libguide:

Use Zotero or Paperpile to manage citations.  Consult the guide for details and tutorials.


APA Guides


SJSU's Writing Center's APA 7th edition guide

The Nutrition, Food Science, and Packaging Department uses the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association as its style and citation choice. The 6th edition (2009) of the Publication Manual is the most current edition. 

The 6th edition is available at the 2nd floor Reference Desk. Also, please feel free to email me with specific questions or check out these APA related websites:

Apa style 6th cover Publication manual of the American
     Psychological Association (6th
ed.). (2009). Washington, D.C.:
     American Psychological



Latest Information about APA Style