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Sustainability Curriculum

Find resources to embed sustainability into your courses!

CommUniverCity: Katherine Cushing

Environmental Racism: Megan Thiele

Whether we want to or not, whether we are aware of it or not, our "industrialized" daily lives produce large amounts of environmental harm and environmental racism. Environmental racism is the concept that explains how, globally, the most devastating environmental abuses assail the lives of BIPOC (Black people, Indigenous people and people of color) and their communities. Collectively, we need to organize, demand and create new ways of being in order to become sustainable for future generations and to stop environmental racism.  Instructors can engage in this work by introducing and working with the commodity chains that are specific to their discipline and by discussing how these commodity chains, and our involvement with them, produce not only environmental harm, but also environmental racism.

Join Professor Thiele and others to dialgoue about white supremacy and racism.

Why Every Environmentalist Should Be Anti-Racist" by Leah Thomas

World Economic Forum: What is Environmental Racism? 

Better World Shopping Guide What grades do your favorite companies earn and why? 

Environmental Working Group Track contaminants in the products you buy and the water you drink

Green Building Design & Sustainability: Peggy Cabrera & Elizabeth Carroll

The Green Ninja: Eugene Cordero (Meteorology & Climate Change), Alejandro Garcia (Physics & Astronomy), David Chai (Animation & Illustration)