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User Experience

This guide is designed to help SJSU students, staff, and faculty who have an interest in user experience.


This guide is designed to help SJSU students, staff, and faculty who have an interest in user experience. It includes resources for locating articles and books, learning about research and design, and how to get involved.

If you're not finding what you need on this guide, please contact the subject librarian, whose contact information is in the left column. 

What is User Experience?

User experience (or UX) is a growing professional field that incorporates methods and practices from various disciplines including anthropology, computer science, design, human computer interaction, information science, psychology, and others.

There are many definitions of user experience as a practice, but they each focus on providing the best interaction possible between a user and an organization. This can include interactions with the organization's services, products, digital spaces, and/or physical spaces. Thus, user experience professionals work to understand human behaviors, thought processes, and expectations.

For fuller definitions, check out the Nielsen Norman Group and/or the Interaction Design Foundation.