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University Library Open Forums

Tell SJSU King Library What You Think!SJSU King Library invites your feedback on university library services, collections, and spaces during our November Open Forums.

Tell SJSU King Library What You Think!

SJSU King Library invites your feedback on university library services, collections, and spaces during our November Open Forums. Input gathered from the SJSU community at these Open Forums will help the library complete its seven-year self-study report and set new goals for the coming years.

All comments and suggestions are welcome!

Group Date Time Location / Modality Registration Link
Faculty - RSCA Focus 11/9/2022 10-11:30 am Zoom Register
Faculty, Staff, and Administrators 11/9/2022 3-4:30 pm Zoom Register
Faculty, Staff, and Administrators 11/15/2022 9-10:30 am

Zoom / MLK Room 225 (hybrid)

Food and Refreshments Provided

Faculty - Teaching Focus 11/15/2022 3-4:30 pm

Zoom / MLK Room 225 (hybrid)

Food and Refreshments Provided

Undergraduate Students 11/10/2022 10-11:30 am Zoom Register
Graduate Students 11/10/2022 1-2:30 pm Zoom Register
Graduate Students 11/14/2022 10-11:30 am

Zoom / MLK Room 225 (hybrid)

Food and Refreshments Provided

Undergraduate Students 11/14/2022 2-3:30 pm

Zoom / MLK Room 225 (hybrid)

Food and Refreshments Provided


All sessions will be recorded to assist in collecting and transcribing feedback. They will not be shared publicly.