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LibGuides How-To Guide

Read this before emailing Laurel with questions!

Adding Your ORCID ID to Your Profile Box

Choose LibApps from the top-left dropdown and then click "My Profile" in the top nav bar:
Libapps account


Under the "Widgets" section at the bottom of this page, click "Empty" next to "Other Widget Code"

Other widget code


Paste this script into the "Other Widget Code" section:

<div id="myORCIDLink"></div>
  showORCIDProfile("XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX", "myORCIDLink", "myORCIDWorks");


Be sure to replace the XXXX's with your ORCID ID! Then click the blue check button to save.

other widget code


This is what the link in your profile box will look like:

profile box