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Data Visualization

Tips, tricks and tools for visualizing data

Common Data Visualization Tools

Resources for several popular data visualization software are included here.

Microsoft Excel (and Power BI)

Excel charts can be leveraged to build compelling, albeit simple, visualizations.


R is an open source statistical programming language consisting of packages that can aid in processing, analyzing, and visualizing data in the data life cycle. Common data visualization packages, including ggplot2, Plotly, and shiny. RStudio is the development environment used to write R commands.

The official site to find packages in R is R CRAN (Comprehensive R Archived Network) site.

A more user-friendly site to search and browse R packages is the METACRAN site.


Tableau is a proprietary application known for its interactive dashboards and data stories used to visualize and share data. While users can access full functionality through a paid desktop license, anyone can use Tableau Public. On Tableau Public, anyone can interact with your views, or download your workbooks or data sources. See select visualizations on the Tableau Public Gallery



Python offers several plotting libraries, namely MatplotlibSeaborn, Plotly and many other such data visualization packages with different features for creating informative, customized, and appealing plots to present data in the most simple and effective way.


ArcGIS supports the visualization and analysis of spatial (map) data. This software is available to all faculty, staff, and students. 


d3.js is a JavaScript library for scripting visualizations from scratch.

RAW Graphs is a graphical user interface built on top of d3.js, so if you are interested in d3.js visualizations but don’t want to code from scratch, this is a good option.

Choosing a Data Visualization Tool

There is a wide variety of data visualization software. Use the following catalogs to select the best tool for your visualization tasks. Selected Tools 

Browse through tools that plot data on maps; create charts, graphs and diagrams; simplify data handling; and help select colors.

Visualising Data 

Explore web-based and programming-based tools which handle data, draw maps and charts, and generate colors.