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Black Maternal Health Week

What can we do?


12 action items to create positive parenting experiences, depicted in a comic book-style with sketched illustrations of each point.

Creating Positive Parenting Experiences: from the voices of Black women.

Action items developed for Black women, by Black women and facilitated by six dimensions.

  1. Listen to, trust, and respect the perspectives of Black mothers and pregnant people.
  2. Provide education and space to support people to be actively involved throughout the perinatal period.
  3. Support doula care for parents who are interested in expanding their support team.
  4. Provide education on the perinatal conditions that can affect mothers. Such as fibroids, miscarriage, and postpartum health.
  5. Discuss various parenting options. Such as adoption, fostering, and fertility treatment.
  6. Address perinatal mental health through education. Such as postpartum depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns.
  7. Connect mothers with the necessary supportive resources in a timely and cohesive manner.
  8. Assist mothers in exploring options for managing labor.
  9. Provide evidence-based information on delivery options available.
  10. Involve faith-based organizations to connect families with community resources.
  11. Create community resource guides for expecting families.
  12. Develop and disseminate an advocacy guide to help empower families when making perinatal decisions.

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