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Information Services Today: An Introduction (ebook, 2022)

How to access and download PDF chapters

The publishers have limited access to the newest edition of Information Services Today to only 6 Simultaneous Users 😐. This means that only 6 people can view it online at the same time.  However, the publishers will let you bypass this limitation and download several chapters per day for free as PDFs. The total daily limit is 270 pages, but sometimes it may appear as 202.  You can save the PDFs to your own device to read whenever you want, never having to worry about the 6 user limit.

The download limit of 270 (or 202) pages resets after 24 hours. Because there are many students who use Information Services Today, we recommend that you download the pages/chapters you need and then exit the ebook site as soon as you can. By doing this, other students will be able to access the ebook. You can always return after 24 hours to download more chapters once the download limit has reset.

To download chapters, follow the steps below:


Find the ebook in the SJSU catalog 🔍

1) Find Information Services Today in the SJSU OneSearch Catalog.  You can search for it by title, or click on this link:  Information Services Today (2022).

2) Click on the Ebook Central link.

OneSearch Catalog Page

  • If there are already 6 users accessing this book, then you will get a message saying it is not available.  Please wait and try again later.
  • The Ebook Central link should take you directly to the ebook.  If it takes you to the main Ebook Central page, then you'll need to run a quick search for the book by title.


Download Chapters, up to 202 pages per day 😃


You can download up to 202 pages every day.  Each chapter is around 10-15 pages, so you will be able to download a few chapters at a time.  The limit resets every 24hs.  Come back later and download the rest.

Ready for Download