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Evaluation of Print Collection: Psychology Materials

Faculty Instructions for Campus Wide Review

The six week campus wide review of the Psychology deselection list is slated for:

March 21, 2017 to May 2, 2017


Step 1)  Review the Titles Under Consideration

You can click HERE to view the google sheet of the 41 titles. For each title, we have provided last checkout date, number of checkouts, as well as a linked call number that will take you to the catalog page for that title.  If you approve the removal of the titles on the list, then no additional action is necessary.


Step 2)  Provide Feedback

If you would like a title(s) retained, please click HERE to submit your comments and/or justification as to why. Please follow the instructions provided within the link.  Please provide any feedback by May 2, 2017.


NOTE: Participation is optional and your SJSU email address will be required to submit comments and/or justification.

If you have any questions or comments about the process, please contact:
Bernd Becker
Liaison Librarian, Psychology

Criteria for Withdrawal of Psychology Titles

The criteria used in identifying items for the Psychology deselection list were annual editions of books that have been replaced by more current editions.  Specifically, titles containing outdated information regarding GRE testing, Psychology graduate programs, and general APA information. 

Library of Congress Classifications:


Message from University Library


The SJSU Academic Senate approved S15-10 in May 2015. This University policy provides specific steps to be followed in order to withdraw print books from the Library collections. The following steps from Section 7 of the policy are being followed in order to involve the University community in the management of the Library collection. 

In compliance with the University Policy S15-10 section

  • The first step in the evaluation process is for the liaison librarian to collaborate with the faculty in the department associated with the collection under review. Together they examine and comment on the criteria being used to determine which books will be removed.
  • A campus wide review is the second step in the process for a period of six weeks. Materials identified for potential withdrawal are being made available for all faculty on campus during this period.
  • The final review of four weeks concludes the process in which the liaison librarian collaborates with the faculty in the department to make final decision to retain or withdraw a title. Together they fully consider all inputs received during the campus review in their final decision. 

Library Policy  (PDF) approved May 13, 2015