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BIOL 20: Ecological Biology - Library Research Help

This course guide will help Biology 20 students think about their research ideas and complete the required worksheet for class credit.

Worksheet Information

In the class meeting with the librarian, you will need to complete a worksheet that will help you practice and start thinking about your research project for the class.

Click on the links for each part of the worksheet (on the left hand side) for more information that will help you complete the worksheet and to think about your topic.

Need Help?

<----------------- If you need help, get in touch with me! The profile box with my picture on the left has my email address. 

  • Email me with shorter questions or issues with accessing library databases
  • Meet with me for one-on-one help with research
  • Chat with a Librarian for quick questions like accessing an article. Note, you will be chatting an SJSU Librarian, but not necessarily me.