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This guide will help you locate books and journal articles within the field of Psychology

I/O Database Resources


Sample Cited in this Database

Databases can also help you identify articles that have been cited by others in the specific database.

Below is a sample:
In the database I searched for 'Seligman, Martin' and changed the dropdown to 'AU Author'
In my list of results I discovered that an article titled, Primal World Beliefs, was cited in the database 2 times.
Primal World Beliefs by Clifton, Jeremy D. W.; Baker, Joshua D.; Park, Crystal, et. al. Times Cited in this Database: (2)

If I click on the 'Times Cited in this Database' link it will take me to a list of two search results for articles that cite this article.
Citing Articles for: Primal World Beliefs. Original Results Search Results: 1 - 2 of 2 These records cite the article shown above. 1. Managing Validity versus Reliability trade-offs in scale-building decisions. 2. Predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms following occupational accidents: A longitudinal study.You can then select either of these articles to access them and/or their own lists of references