NuFS 1A - Physical Science of Food
1. Find detailed information on an ingredient from a recipe.
Find the background information, including the nutrient composition, in your textbook and by using a food and nutrition encyclopedia or a dictionary. Use the catalog to find a book on the topic. Some keywords and phrases to use: dictionary of nutrition, encyclopedia of food, dictionary herbs spices, food safety, etc.
Example: Bender, D., & Bender, Arnold E. (1999). Bender's dictionary of nutrition and food technology (7th ed., Woodhead Publishing in food science and technology). Boca Raton, FL : Cambridge, England: CRC Press ; Woodhead Pub. (Provides nutrient composition data).
Find detailed information on the ingredient from peer-reviewed journal articles using the databases. Peer-reviewed articles are articles that have been reviewed by experts in the field. This process ensures that only high quality research is published and that these studies add something new to the literature.
Use relevant databases, like Food Science Source, ScienceDirect, or Academic Search Complete to find peer-reviewed articles. Begin by simply typing the name of the ingredient in the search box. Example: turmeric.
Use primary or secondary sources
Review the table in the "Primary vs. Secondary Sources" tab. Primary sources are resources where the authors have performed the research and are reporting on their results. The study has information on materials, methods, results, and their conclusions. Secondary sources are resources where authors summarize, review, or comment on other works.
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