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Government Information

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U.S. Legislative Branch

United States Senate

Find U.S. Senators

Find Senate Committees, including membership and links to hearings / meetings.

United States House of Representatives

Find U.S. Representatives by state.

Find House Committees

Educational Resources, including the legislative process (how laws are made) and historical documents (U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, and more)

Congressional Research Reports The Congressional Research Service (CRS) does not provide direct public access to its reports, requiring citizens to request them from their Members of Congress. Some Members, as well as several non-profit groups, have posted the reports on their web sites. This site is not affiliated with the Congressional Research Service, but aims to provide integrated, searchable access to many of the full-text CRS reports that have been available at a variety of different web sites since 1990.


U.S. Executive Branch

The President of the United States - includes links to the Briefing Room, Issues, the Administration and Information about the White House.

The Presdent of the United States has the authority to pronounce executive orders.  This site links to all major sources for these materials which includes Presidential directives, proclamations, signing statements, executive orders,  memoranda, and other documents.

The Executive Departments and Agencies -  click on each Cabinet Department for links to headquarters and sub-agencies.

U.S. Judicial Branch

Supreme Court of the United States

Legal databases:

Lexis-Nexis Database (SJSU Articles & Databases page) links to full text coverage of Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition

Westlaw (SJSU Articles & Databases page) links to full text coverage of the Supreme Court Reports. Also features links to full text historic Supreme Court Cases.

The Federal Judiciary - links to the Federal Courts of Appeals, U.S. District Courts and U.S. Bankruptcy Courts

Federal Legislation  an easy way to find legislation, information about members of Congress and news about our Congress. 

The Law Librarians' Society of Washington D.C. has assembled a Legislative Source Book that tracks the status of federal legislation and regulations. 

Find Legislation and Records, including votes, Congressional Record, and a link to Congress.Gov.  The U.S. bill/law finder are good places to start.


United States Government databases