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Music: Collected Editions

A guide to identifying and locating music works published in collections owned at the SJSU Library


Wagner, Richard.

 Richard Wagner: Sämtliche Werke, ed. C. Dahlhaus, E. Voss and others (Mainz, 1970–) [SW]. IPM W1342.

 Richard Wagners Werke, ed. M. Balling (Leipzig, 1912–29/R) [B; inc.]. Reprint. IPM W1346.


J. Deathridge, M. Geck and E. Voss, eds.: Wagner Werk-Verzeichnis (WWV): Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke Richard Wagners und ihrer Quellen (Mainz, 1986) [WWV].

Walter - Weber

Walter, Johann, 1496-1570.


Sämtliche Werke, ed. O. Schröder (Kassel and St. Louis, 1953-1973). IPM W2375.


Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826.

Carl Maria von Weber: Musikalische Werke: erste kritische Gesamtausgabe, ed. H.J. Moser; ii/1, ed. A. Lorenz (Augsburg, 1926), ii/2, ed. W. Kaehler (Augsburg, 1928), ii/3, ed. L.K. Mayer (Brunswick, 1932) [only 3 vols. pubd] [WG]. IPM W3743.

Reliquienschrein des Meisters Carl Maria von Weber, ed. L. Hirschberg (Berlin, 1927) [HR]. Not in library. Not in IPM.

Carl Maria von Weber: Sämtliche Werke, ed. G. Allroggen (Mainz, 1998) [WSW]. Not in IPM. Not in library. Check Link+

Willaert - Wolf

Willaert, Adrian, 1490?-1562.

Adriani Willaert Opera omnia, ed. H. Zenck and others, CMM, iii/1– (Rome, 1950–) [Z]. IPM W6895.

Adrian Willaert and his Circle: Canzone villanesche alla napolitana and villotte, ed. D.G. Cardamone, RRMR, xxx (1978) [C]. IPM C2352.

Adrian Willaert: Five Double Canons, ed. B. Thomas (London, 1986) [T]. IMP W6897. Not in library. Check Link+

Adrian Willaert: The Complete Five- and Six-Voice Chansons, ed. J.A. Bernstein, SCC, xxiii (1992) [B]. IPM W6913. Not in Library. Check Link+

Fantasie recercari contrapunti, ed. R. Judd (New York and London, 1994) [J]. IPM F2165. Not in library. Check Link+


Wolf, Hugo, 1860-1903.

Hugo Wolf: Samtliche Werke, ed. H. Jancik and others (Vienna, 1960) [WW].  IPM W8533.

Hugo Wolf: Lieder aus der Jugendzeit, ed. F. Foll (Leipzig, 1903) [LJ]. Not in IPM. Not in library. Check Link+

Hugo Wolf: Nachgelassene Werke, ed. R. Haas and H. Schultz (Leipzig and Vienna, 1936) [NW]. Not in library. IPM W8536.